Saturday, August 16, 2008

78 Miles and damn hot !!

Rode 78 miles today. Rode to Seth's house and then we took off for a warm up to Council Crest then down and over to Joel's. From there we went out to the Stark Street Bridge to get to the Gorge Highway. Instead of heading to the Falls or up Larch Seth suggested a route out towards Bull Run and up over to Sandy. He was not kidding about up. Lots of good climbing (glad I warmed up on Council Crest :P). When we hit Sandy it was really heating up about 98. We had replenished liquids in Springdale and again in Sandy including a small Coke slurpee, mmmm sugar and caffeine. From Sandy it was a cruise into town. The sun was sapping us but no more climbing and we spun it into town. I have not ridden that distance in some time, but seemed to handle it well. Recovered with a cool shower and a protein smoothie with banana, OJ, and fresh blueberries from my yard.

There are a lot of idiot drivers. The three of us are respectful cyclist stay over to the right, signal, stop at traffic signals and signs. We had one guy drive way to close to us for no reason as he passed by us. Another person yelled at us from his convertible as we rode single file in a bike lane. Another driver swerved over very close to me for no apparent reason. And they wonder why there is tension between cyclist and drivers. Get a clue people, try sitting where I am from time to time you might think twice about it being good sport to intimidate cyclist. Someones going to get hurt.

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